Will Crawford
As Emerging Producer for GLOW 2023, I am responsible for the Young Culture Makers.
I’m very passionate about helping the community. Being a Culture Maker gives you experience in voluntary work.
I’m from Weston; I’ve lived here all my life and the community here is amazing. I’ve studied Creative Arts at Weston College – I studied Level 1 Music and Level 2 Performing Arts. I’m also a Drummer.
I’ve previously worked with Culture Weston on the Live Music Now project, where we worked with a local care home and a local school. The students and residents came up with the lyrics for a ‘Song for Weston’ by sharing their favourite memories of the town. In the summer of 2022, Culture Weston helped organise the performance for the release of this song and we performed it live in the High Street with the students and residents; there was big audience! We had some great feedback from the community about the song and how much they loved it.
I am excited to be a part of the GLOW 2023 team!