Speakeasy Online Poetry Evening
Following on from ‘Speakeasy’ live at Loves in Weston in October, the ever-popular, spoken word sensation is back online and includes an eclectic mix of guest professional poets and open mic sessions, with guest poet Kathryn Bevis in an intimate evening of wonderful wordery.
Kathryn Bevis is a poet and poetry teacher, former Hampshire Poet Laureate, and founder of The Writing School Online. She is the Selected Poet for Magma (the Solitude issue) and her poems have appeared widely in magazines and journals, including: Poetry Review, Poetry Wales, Poetry Ireland Review, The London Magazine, and Mslexia. This year, she co-won the Mairtín Crawford Award for Poetry and the Poetry Society Members’ Competition. She also won first and second prize in the Second Light Poetry Competition and came second in the York Poetry Prize. Flamingo is her debut pamphlet, published by Seren, of which Don Paterson writes: “…the deeper impression is of a poet of real wisdom, compassion and fearlessness, with an almost old-school faith in poetry as way of shedding light, of making sense of the most senseless aspects of the world.”
Presented by Theatre Orchard and led by Bob Walton and Sue Hill of The Write Box, the Speakeasy event features an open mic slot where members of the community are welcome to take to the Zoom stage themselves and share a poem – giving people the chance to spit bars, speak up and feel the Speakeasy love! Email becky@theatreorchard.
Whether you’d like to read your own poetry or just come along to hear some great writing, the Speakeasy promises a creative evening to fill the soul for everyone.
The Write Box also runs a fortnightly creative writing group, Chapter 1, on alternate Tuesday, 3pm-5pm, and new members are always welcome. Chapter 1 writers have had their work showcased at places such as: Bristol Old Vic, when they took part in Angels in Bristol at Christmas 2020; at the GLOW light festival in Weston’s Grove Park where they projected light poems and via posters with Letters for the Sea, Letters for the Land in shelters in Weston-super-Mare. They have also made several short films and even performed as ‘The Elementalists’ at the very top of SEE MONSTER at the Tropicana. Get in touch with Bob and Sue at The Write Box to find out more about joining this endlessly creative group –thewritebox15@gmail.com