
Throughout September


Free (booking essential)


Grow Feral Community Micro-Garden
Italian Gardens
(by The Green House Cafe)
BS23 1AJ


Sessions are FREE TO ATTEND and all are welcome.   

Sessions take place at the Grow Feral Community Micro Garden at the back of the Italian Gardens near the Sovereign entrance. 

Help to plant, nurture, maintain, weed and water the community micro-garden we have co-created to take care of the veg and flowers and create a space for all to enjoy!

Join Sam and Jo at the Grow Feral Gardens:

**GREEN FUTURES: Grow Feral: Tour & Talk: Saturday 24 September 2-3pm – more info HERE

**Arts + Health Festival: Sunday 9 October 1pm-3pm – more information coming to our What’s On page very soon.

For more info please contact:

The Grow Feral Community Micro Garden is located at the back of the Italian Gardens near the Sovereign entrance.


Horticultural Installation + Planting Session 

On 2 September, people came along to see the final coming together of a new horticultural installation created by artist Jo Lathwood for Grow Feral. The installation incorporates a water tower, rain collection system, and an innovative solar powered irrigation system developed to assist with the on-going maintenance of the growing area whilst sending a positive environmental message. 

During this session Jo will talked about the project and gave a tour of the installation. We also got the chance to begin planting up the new micro-garden planters that form part of the installation, with an assortment of plants suited for the location and time of year. 

Growing + Knowing Sessions

Throughout September on Wednesdays, the community helped to plant, nurture, maintain, weed and water the community micro-garden we have co-created to take care of the veg and flowers and create a space for all to enjoy! 

During these sessions we also: 

  • Learned about planting for different seasons and conditions
  • Did some seed gathering and saving for next years growth
  • Visited other community gardens and growing spaces in the town centre

In July and August, we held a series of creative workshops and hands-on making and doing sessions that explored the symbiotic relationship of all of the natural world – humans, creatures, plants, land and earth, as a radical act of gardening and growing together.

We worked towards co-creating a new horticultural installation at the Grow Feral micro-garden in the Italian Gardens with environmental artist Jo Lathwood, and local artists and horticulturalists.

22 June, Green Visioning:

With artists Jo Lathwood and Karen Blake. Creatively imagining a new installation and re-imagine the town as an oasis of nature and greenery.

29 June, Seed Saving to Save the Planet:

Artist and community gardener Karen Blake led participants on a short walk around the town centre to see what areas could become a green oasis. They then looked at how guerrilla gardening can be used to bring nature into the urban environment, learning techniques for saving seed from a variety of different plants.

6 July, Green Storytelling:

Led by a local writer, this was an opportunity to get creative with words, talk to the plants and weave nature with storytelling!

13 July, The Art of Botanics:

Explored a range of plant crafting and printing methods.

Jayne Butler explored different methods of printmaking, including batik and waxed screen printing, to create botanical prints. There was also the opportunity to create work to be incorporated into the horticultural installation at the micro garden.

20 July, The Art of Botanics:

Explored a range of plant crafting and printing methods.

Artist Susannah Crook created and used earth pigments and paints in her own artwork, which are handmade using natural materials and plants. Participants learned how to create their own natural art supplies, and had a go at making your own artwork with them.

27 July, Installation install:

Participants helped to install the new horticultural installation and plant the micro-garden with lead artist Jo Lathwood and team.

Growing Sessions

Throughout August & September, local people helped to nurture, maintain, plant, weed and water the community micro-garden we have co-created to take care of the veg and flowers and create a space for all to enjoy!