29 October, 2022
Free - donations for the Pakistan floods appeal gratefully received
We are Super
The Sovereign
High Street
BS23 1HL.
Green Futures: Coastal Towns & Climate Change – Panel Discussion
Join us for an insightful, gritty but hopeful panel discussion about the future of coastal towns like Weston-super-Mare, considering the risks and opportunities presented by climate change. We will discuss the particular challenges that coastal communities face in mitigating carbon emissions and adapting to the realities of a changing climate, including worsening storms, drought and flooding. The new short film ‘After the Flood’ by Sally Low featuring compelling stories from local flood survivors with news archive footage will also be screened.
Then we will discuss the opportunities and strengths that coastal communities have, right now, to transition to low/zero carbon systems and lifestyles, and how it might look for us to successfully adapt and thrive in the next few years and generations to come.
Panellists include community group leaders, clean energy experts and local government:
Ana Salote: Climate Activist and Writer
Bridget Petty: Councillor, Executive Member of Climate Emergency and Engagement and Green Party Councillor for Backwell, North Somerset
Debbie Apted: Community Lead, Plastic-free WSM; Cleaner Coastlines WSM and Surfers against Sewage
Lynda Wookey: Impact and Development Director and Burnham & Weston Energy CIC
Audience members will have a chance to ask questions and join in the conversation about our coastal community’s future, and the role we all play in shaping it.
Free – donations for the Pakistan Floods Appeal gratefully received
Read more about Green Futures HERE