
Ongoing (Tuesdays)




Free (booking essential)


Weston Musuem
Burlington Street,
BS23 1PR.

Wellbeing Arts Sessions in Weston

This March sees the launch of a new referral programme aimed at promoting and protecting Health & Wellbeing.

The initiative is being provided by creativeShiftcic & fresh arts, the Art Programme for North Bristol NHS Trust funded by Southmead Hospital Charity.

Relaxed and friendly group art sessions are being held at Weston Museum for people who want to improve their wellbeing and benefit from more social interaction. They are particularly beneficial for people who are coping with pain or illness, facing loss or change, suffering with low mood, depression, stress or feeling socially isolated.

The first session, led by experienced creativeShift artist facilitator Nadia Drizi, will take place on Tuesday 1st March 2022 from 10am – 12pm at The Learning Space at Weston Museum, Burlington Street, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1PR.

No previous experience is needed and a safe and welcoming environment will be provided to enable people to explore and develop creativity and learn new skills at their own pace.

The referrals are for up to 3 x 6 week terms of sessions and participants can be referred by a social prescribing link worker, a GP or by a support group or organisation that they attend. Once referred, Nadia will contact people by phone for an introductory chat and by email with further information and starting dates.

To find out more or for a referral form email: