29 October, 2020

The Memory Bank (for young people)
Hi, I’m Megan Clark-Bagnall. I’m an artist that likes to make fun/ny projects with people. Would you like to join me at The Memory Bank for this super special crafty session, where we ask you to re-imagine what Weston-Super-Mare could be like?
With a little help from VIP artists, you will receive a bumper craft pack delivered to your doorstep and online crafty tutorials with Super Special artists to look at YOU and your PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE connections to the place you call home!!
Jasmine Loveys, also known as Disco Jazz from Carboot Disco Bingo, medieval barn expert and artistic queen of history! Jazz has a nifty neon map making activity to show you different ways of looking into the PAST, creating a fancy map of your own history and archiving your own special moments of Weston-Super-Mare.
Ali Brown, Queen of Kindness & Compassion. She established an actual Department of Kindness inside Southmead Hospital and is the perfect expert to help you explore being in the PRESENT (in Weston-Super-Mare).
Then join the colourful craft activity from professional prop makers Ramona Eve & Carson to help you build your own miniature house for the high street and explore what the FUTURE of Weston-Super-Mare would look like if you were in charge?
I’ll be on hand to chat about what you make, help you with any crafty ideas and bank your fantastic ideas. And if you’ll let me – I’d like to display your creations inside an actual exhibition inside The Sovereign Centre in The Memory Banks brand new window display.
I can’t wait to welcome you for some Online (Memory) Banking this crafty day of fun.
This activity is for all young people but particularly suitable for 9 to 14 years. If you’re outside this age bracket and want to take part, don’t let that stop you getting in touch! We will be as flexible as we can – please contact to register
The project is about banking your memories of Weston, however recent or far back and hearing your thoughts & ideas on what the future of this town should be like!
We will do this through chatting and making together using craft kits, which I will deliver to your home on Wednesday 28th Oct in the afternoon. Please could you provide me with your address for delivery? If you’re not likely to be home, could you advise a neighbour or a safe place I could drop it to?
Thursday 29th October 2020 //
ZOOM 1 : Chat & Intro – 11am – 12noon
BREAK & MAKE in your own time with online video tutorials with the artists and your craft kits.
ZOOM 2 : Show, Tell & Share – 3pm – 4.30pm
The video tutorials, with plenty of ideas for time-travelling make+do for all ages, will also be available to view on Culture Weston’s website from 29 October. We invite everyone to have a watch and to delve into memories and future dreams relating to the town. All you need is a pen and paper and ideas to share. For more information please contact
Thanks to Historic England and North Somerset Council’s Heritage Action Zone for making The Memory Bank possible
You can find more information about this project in our journal