Culture Makers

Culture Makers is a new crew of local residents who are coming together to help make Weston an even better place to live, work and visit.
Now that organisations, businesses and partnerships are once again able to organise safe outdoor events, we invite you to join a town-wide team of those who can give a little of their time to help make a difference. A Culture Weston initiative, Culture Makers harnesses people power to animate the town and support others wishing to access cultural experiences.
Upcoming events this summer will encompass music, dance, comedy, theatre, spoken word, street art and more in locations as diverse as green parks, carpark rooftops, public squares and Weston beach. The team encourages people who can spare a few hours at a one-off event or would like to help out at larger events, such as town-centred festivals. There is something for everyone to be involved in.
Whether you want to make new social connections (or build upon existing ones), enhance your skill base or you simply thrive on supporting your local community, Culture Makers invites residents to get in touch to make this happen. Aware that many folk have their own brilliant ideas about how to improve the cultural infrastructure of Weston, Culture Makers would also like to invite these to be thrown into the mix.
To find out more about Culture Makers, please contact
Let us know which June events you can do:
Join the dedicated Culture Makers’ Facebook Group
Sign up here: